Time Management

Almost all of us spend part of our day asking ourselves how we can finish what we have to finish and also thinking why don’t have enough time. The management of time is one of the few things that affect virtually any person who has a job, and the management of your time can mean the difference between being a successful manager or suffer constantly to finish the things you have to do to be successful. In reality, the time management isn’t difficult if you think about what you are doing and makes use of simple tools that help you manage your time in a better way. We all lose time at work and at home we procrastinate, chismoseamos, play on the computer and even leave you do, unconsciously, tasks that don’t like us, or don’t want to make. There are no used any that use every available in its labour day second.

The statistics and the impact of working time lost a recent study by American Online and Salary.com can confirm the figures. The average employee wastes about 2 hours per labor day. Surfing the Internet is the main culprit because this activity is near credited the 44.7% of the lost time of all respondents. Socialize with co-workers (23.4%) and personal issues (23.4%) were the other two main activities in wastage of time among people who responded to the survey. Surprisingly, daydreaming (3.9%), make personal laps (3.1%) and making personal calls (2.3%) even if they are from third to fifth place in importance, does not constitute a significant distraction compared with the main two distractions at work. Other ways in which employees lose time at work that were cited were applied to other works, planning personal events and arrive late or leave early. When you add another 30 minutes for lunch, it becomes obvious that the loss of time at work is a major problem.