The 200

You can trust the seller having the feedback from users who have confirmed their home address, or they have a high rank. There are sellers who, for example, 100 positive and one negative review. Do not just close page! Read on for that film. Maybe it was received as a result of a quarrel between the seller and the buyer. Confirmed whether the address of the seller. Almost every online auction seller or the buyer profile is line or an icon indicating whether the address is confirmed by the user.

How to confirm an address? Very simple. In your profile, send a request to receive a letter from the administration of the auction. 7-12 days to your home address provided at registration, a letter arrives from the auction in which there is a special code. You type on the page of the auction and you have a line of “proven seller.” Buy goods from sellers with desirable proof of address. Number of lots put up by the seller. If two of the above paragraph does not give you the confidence to act on “Buy” can view the number of lots put up at auction by the seller. If they are, for example, about 100, and even then with the 200-300 can be traded. This means that the business activity of the seller is high, and therefore he will not get from anyone negative feedback.

Number of bids madeness other sellers. This is also you need to pay attention. For example, your player “X” made two bets buyers whose home address is not confirmed. Very often, these users (who made bets) can belong to himself to the seller. He first lot put an “X”, then moved to a different profile and bet on their same lot. This is done to increase the final purchase price. Deal with such fraud is also not worth it. To sum up. If the seller has confirmed its home address, a few reviews from customers, as well as analysis of the item “number of bets placed by other sellers’ successful, then you can safely make your bet, and fight for the lot, but looking at before Are you satisfied with the conditions of payment and delivery of the goods …. But I will write about it in the next article. List of online auctions can be found here.

Office Cleaning Facilities

The modern world of entrepreneurship has a fresh concept in everyday life CLEANING – cleaning, going from English CLEAN, which translated into our language means – clean, cleaning, cleaning. This new definition includes the following services: office cleaning, apartment cleaning, cleaning of the cottage, cleaning, washing windows, washing windows, cleaning of facades, and the cleaning is performed according to accepted European standards, and includes more skilled care for ornamental materials and items of furniture. This service is performed by trained specialists who are specially trained. The works are performed the same as conventional cleaners used daily in Over the years, but the quality differs a hundred times and approach as well. Now, after such a cleaning is difficult to find any traces of dust under the couch, at the reception or on the chandelier in the conference hall, as a cleaning company (Fast Cleaning) works primarily on their own authority and makes the work with professional equipment, providing customers the highest level of service.

Empirically proven that the relevant provisions of fruitful work employee who spends time in the office is comfortable workplace and visually pleasing interior. Moderate temperatures, clean and fresh air to effectively impact on work and disability office employee. This consensus is at the same time, psychologists and environmentalists. In the provision of cleaning services for professional maintenance of cleanliness in respectable places (business centers, hotels, offices, hospitals, etc.) at using all the requirements of international standards of cleaning, the proportion of diseases respiratory diseases, skin diseases and other employees below 25 – 30% according to statistics. Net office – a company's face, it employees and managers at the same time and carries the load as an aesthetic and hygienic. Visit site and order cleaning any premises and window washing.

Mens Pantyhose

Once a rainy autumn morning, I stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus to go to work. There was rush hour, so people have accumulated a lot, and even transport, as luck would have it all there was. All going about their business, but, nevertheless, sideways, with curiosity and irony were looking for a guy 27-32 years old … However, I have no physiognomist, so that with age may be wrong. Ask what is so special he was doing? You would not believe, but it certainly confused, trying to fill in jeans pants, who stuck out like an accordion at the waist! All quiet stop "sprinkle" in a fist, and the most "daring" openly shown on the poor guy with his finger. A few years ago, this situation does not would cause no reaction in others: an alternative is not it! So what happened was a quite typical. What were our men for warmth? Some, of course, good old pants with extended knees and assembly at the waist.

Others are not under pants poddevali nothing, risking to "earn" hypothermia with all its consequences. And almost none of them had no idea that in Europe the problem of the autumn wind and winter cold solved long ago. It is well-known nylon pantyhose, tights / leggings and capri different composition and density, created specifically for men. Unlike pantyhose for men from women's products is obvious: the anatomic insert or codpiece, a wide comfort zone, reinforced toe, two stitches at the top for durability. Add to these features men's tights and all the virtues of women, namely: – pantyhose for men also have in their part of lycra, cotton, microfiber, which makes them extremely warm and soft – a special men's tights with massage effect and distributed pressure prevent circulatory disorders associated with sedentary or standing work. They also help prevent blisters when wearing shoes on bare feet – any underwear can not compete with men's tights and deer / leggings by stealth under trousers. Unfortunately, to see and buy pantyhose for men on the shelves of shops of the capital is almost impossible. What to say about small towns and villages? Until recently, such products can be ordered only from abroad. But in this If a parcel had to wait for weeks, then months, and, and the price of these tights is clearly 'bite'! And so, on the Internet has opened a shop where you can buy pantyhose for men, tights / leggings and related products: Do you still doubt?! Then you are to us!

Difficult Choice Gifts

In this article we consider the method of choosing the style of jewelry that people prefer to wear. Of course, not always women, and they are being highly variable in their tastes, and adhere to any one style. But in general, always You can highlight the main tendency, so to say "red thread" in her wardrobe. A trivial task – selection of gifts a woman:). Thus, business-like style. nt Partners).

Women who adhere to this style suit made of silver, which are not will divert attention and hamper the work. Otherwise, co-workers can admire brilliance of diamonds that adorn the earrings in his ears, and forget about the topic of the talks. Choose the most simple, without large stones and sparkling crystals, but quite stylish, elegant and graceful ornaments to emphasize the femininity of clothes and the owner. This may be a ring, bracelet, brooch or a small thin chain with a pendant. In my opinion, ideally in the office will be look product with rock crystal and pearls.

Also, it is appropriate to be decorations with stones as agate, aquamarine, amethyst, jet, danburite, Drava, smoky quartz, covellite, moonstone, jade, obsidian, onyx, pyrite. Military-style (the military). It's all tough and strict. Jewelry extremely concise, simple and discreet: bracelets, chains, rings. Typically, a minimum of stones which have not perlivayutsya and muted colors: agalmatolit, actinolite, jet, hematite, Drava, smoky quartz, black pearl, Morion, Obsidian, Onyx, Peters, Serafini, sardonyx, the tears of the Apaches. Ethno. In this style allowed liberties and very unusual accessories. Jewelry can be very diverse: rings, bracelets, pendants, pendants, lockets, necklaces, chains, brooches, etc. I like this style emphasize the large stones or beads on a string of bright stones. Here is a fairly wide collection of minerals: azurite, aquamarine, almandine, amethyst, ammolit, benitoite, turquoise, vanadinite, varistsit, Verdelho, heliodor, Hyalite, garnet, dioptase, emerald, kyanite, coral, cat's eye, krokoit, cuprite, azurite, peridot, Pearl, pyrope, begat, rubellite, ruby, sagilit, tsavorite, haliotis, chrysoprase, Charoite, spinel, amber. Romantic. A gentle, soft, airy style with a touch of charm. Each piece of clothing should emphasize femininity and fragility. Accordingly, the decorations should not be cumbersome, "screaming", but as can be more elegant, sophisticated, refined, subtle – chains, bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants. The stones chosen tender, pastel, pleasing the eye, pale colors: topaz, akvaaurit, aquamarine, angels, vesuvianite, Verdelho, heliodor, Hyalite, rhinestone, danburite, pearls, cacholong, quartz, kornerupin, Kunz, lazulite, lepidolite, moonstone, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, sardonyx, tiger's eye, phenacite, citrine, amber. I repeat again that you can buy gift focusing on the taste and preferences.

Museum Reina Sofia

Those who are staying in a hotel in Madrid this summer will see a fascinating exhibition at the Museum Reina Sofia called the Potosi principle and is characterized by showing the work of a group of several international artists. The full title of the exhibition is Potosi principle how can sing the song of the Lord in alien land? And it shall be open to the public until September 6. On the other hand, the idea that defends this event is summarized in the following words: surprises the blindness with which we have ignored that since the 16th century the history of Europe is inseparable from its colonies, moreover, the verifiable fact that there is no modernity without relations Center-periphery that were inaugurated with the colonial processes, according to the official website of the Museumwho has also done echo these words. Commissioned by Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer and Andreas Siekmann, this project has been carried out thanks to the collaborative work done between the Museum Reina Sofia and Haus der Kulturen der Welt. And the works of artists from different parts of the world such as Spain, Holland, China, Argentina and Germany will display. Another exhibition to the art lovers can see when visiting the Museum Reina Sofia is turnouts of drift. Experiences, journeys and morphologies, which will be exposed until August 23.

The building is closed on Tuesdays and is open from 10 am to 9 pm other days, except for Sundays in which you can visit from 10 to 14: 30 hours. The price of admission is 3 or 6 to view the complete collection of the Museum. For more information about this event visit the official website of the Museum Reina Sofia or call the (34) 91 774 10 00. It is possible that the Potosi principle is quite popular, so it is recommended to reserve hotel room in Madrid as soon as possible to avoid problems.