Marketing Online

That it is the CATHEDRAL? The CATHEDRAL (Optimization Search Engine) or optimization for motors search, are not another thing that the set of directed techniques to raise positions in the finders of Internet by a determined key word. The main finders of Internet order the results by means of complex mathematical algorithms that evaluate tens of factors. Many of these factors can be taken part or be optimized. It is here where the CATHEDRAL enters game. It is important to be positioned well in buscadoresporque if we do not appear in two front page of results of the finders, simply we did not exist. It is demonstrated that the users are few who watch beyond the second page of results search. Once defined the key word or phrase by which we wished to appear, the practical work of CATHEDRAL will have as main target to position more above possible.

The finders present/display two types of results clearly differentiated: The natural or organic results and the paid or sponsored results. These last ones usually appear in the part it arrives and right of the screen and its order one settles down according to a system of you bid up (Pay Rep Click or PPC). The central results of the screen are the natural ones, ordered by the finder by their relevance, and is there where the work CATHEDRAL has to concentrate. The formation CATHEDRAL becomes fundamentel. At the moment, Google is the more important motor search with great difference, followed of Yahoo!, Bing and Ask. Appearing in these four finders we made sure the 100% the hearing Internet. Google has a quota of market of 65% in the USA, Yahoo of approximately 20% and Live Windows around 8%. In Spain the superiority of Google is overwhelming, counting on a 93% of the quota of searches.

The second finder is Bing in front of Yahoo! Nowadays, the CATHEDRAL would be only one part of Marketing Online. An integral campaign of marketing would have to include not only intervention CATHEDRAL, but also to include campaigns of Pay Rep Click. At present, the social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or MySpace own great relevance and would have to be including in all plan of Internet marketing. However, the users continue granting to greater importance and credibility the natural results of the finders.

Emotional State

Often it happens to us that we are like " enfrascados" in our thoughts, as if we were only one " mente" Of no way the power to take brings back to consciousness, to make conscious our physiology, our body, is a way towards the change of state, power to change to our emotions using our body, our physiology. Because? simply because the emotion comes created by the movement; what we felt is also the result of how we used our bodies Until small changes, like some gestures or expressions of the face, will change our form to feel at every moment. .y it will take to us to vary the form about which we thought and we acted. Each emotion that you feel has a defined physiology, related to that emotion: a position, a way and rate of the breathing, face expressions and you rule of movement In PNL, as well as in other disciplines of personal growth, the physiology is a fundamental aspect Aprender PNL not only is to take contact with mental submodalities or resources or experiences helps pnl you in addition, a to worsen the senses, to leave your mind and proposes to take contact with your body, observing all those indicators " externos". Once you have learned to use your body when you are in certain emotional states, you can return to experiment or to avoid those states, changing simply your physiology. How we can change then our emotional states with PNL? We can use these two powerful resources that involve both aspects the body and the mind: 1 The Physiology: It is as it said before, a powerful resource to change to a state If you feel gotten depressed, changing your corporal position, lifting shoulders, watching upwards and " doing as if " you smile you can change to that emotional state for a moment That is to say, if &quot appears an inner state; molesto" , that it invades to you you can modify the physiology, make another thing with your body a gesture, a change of position, smile, to jump, to watch a landscape, to do some different movement, etc at the moment at which it appears that limitor internal state.