CRM Local

It is important to know the new applications that exist for the tools of support to the decision as far as the suitable handling of the information of our clients to give to the companies a competitive advantage or to stay at least to the vanguard as far as the knowledge that is had of the same. This it is a work so that they know cone would be possible to be implemented a real and simple solution in case of not having the sufficient resources for a solution complex outpost and of how by day maintaining this information in our process to day. II.CRM. That it is? A CRM or Custom Relation Management, is an option of the companies stops to be more competitive, when keeping and analyzing the information of its clients with the company. Before the CRM was the memory of the salesman about their clients.

With functions of management of sales (to see its possible future sales with the clients), trade management (analyzing the parameters of the clients when grouping them and to detect areas of opportunity) and as manager post-sales (for the handling of the shipments and the complaints that the client has done). In agreement with the needs of points of sale and the volume of clients, the CRM can be classified in: 1.Un point of sale, few clients. With a spreadsheet and an electronic agenda point of sale, several clients would be enough 2.Un. Use of solution CRM according to the detail of requirements of information of the client and/or the file that is due to store of the same. 3.Ms of two n, points of sale clients: Here he would subclassify himself in: a) CRM on watch or SAAS (Software on Service). It implies the rent of software, allows remote access with a smaller, useful technological investment for companies with points of sale very dispersed b) CRM Local.

International Bookstore

27 edition of the Hall the International the Cmic of Barcelona arrives filled with new features. During 4 days, the 29 of May to the 1 of June inclusively, the fans to cmic will be able to enjoy than 17,000 meters squared more of exhibitions and activities related to their favorite fiction personages. The appointment will take place in Palace 8 of the Fair of Barcelona in Montjuc and the daily entrance will cost 6 Euros (4 Euros for the holders of the young card). In addition, the fans of cmic will have the opportunity to take a memory to house of so special event, since comic by each entrance given in stand of FICOMIC will be donated free. Between the new features of this edition a new category in the prizes of the contest, the Prize to the Bookstore Specialized in Cmic is gotten up, that recognizes the work and implication of the establishments in the diffusion and the promotion of cmic.

The winning lucky person will count on stand of 12 meters squared for 28 edition of the international hall comic in 2010. Other prizes include categories as Better Work of 2008, Better Script of 2008, or Better Drawing of the 2008. Like in past editions, they would be carried out a great number of factories between which they emphasize skillful classes given by recognized authors, round conferences and tables, and of as much new presentations cmics and comic strips like of videojuegos. The Hall the International the Cmic will count on exhibitions of classic like Batman in Barcelona, mutant Children of Sanildefonso and Esther and its worlds, among others, although the true protagonist of this edition will be Electronic Calico. Fans of Calico will have the opportunity to see an unpublished episode and to participate in a gincana to commemorate 5 birthday of the personage. Smallest also they will have its space next to personages so loved as Shinchan and Doraemon. The children and children will be able to know their favorite personages and to dance with them, as well as to participate in factories of painting and maquillaje, with prizes including. If you are enthusiastic of cmic you cannot perderte this unique encounter of cmic in 2009. LateRooms animates to participate to you in the event and it offers the best supplies to you of hotels in Barcelona as the Hotel Great Round from 80.25 the double room and Borrell Zenith from 70 the double room.

San Nicholas

As they will see more ahead, it has been impelling of each of her descendants, in addition, she is eternal student, she compiles the most incredible things and she gives equal him, if she is classic Literature, religious, old or modern. Everything is recopilable, everything must have a special interest for my Samy. It owns a flock of birds voice, when it sings emulates trinar of birds. Its fort is the poetry, with a prodigious memory, it remembers verses of its childhood, its youth, from always. Its hobbie to write, does by day and night, consists to me has tens of notebooks that testify their restlessness.

Its own philosophy of the life. Its talent: special connoisseur of the birthdays, onomsticos and festivals or reasons as to call and to make us call to each of our relatives and friendly His friendly group is recognized from always, would seem to be a species of San Nicholas, is pending to take a gift, a candy done by her, a chocolate, a fantasy. Its deal with grandsons is of friend, knows to listen and with them that sport practices. Since mother has been consequent, when one waits for except it, to any hour of the day or the night, she calls to us, to know as we are, to an answer and another question our similar, she always says equal, now I am better, far better fodder that envs to age, she must rejuvenecer. Then always it is every time better. Neither equal, nor worse. It is extremely ordinate, in our family sometimes our children ask to him conscientiously of her way of being closet orders his to him. In truth that is pleasant, putting its hand in it, seemed display cabinet of a luxury store. Each thing, each clothes besides being in its site shines like new doubles, them with such love, that it thus manages to heighten it to appreciate value and considers.

Ingrid Betancourt

As far as the CRAF this one san lost to two of its seven main heads (and Tirofijo possibly has lost to one of its daughters) whereas note whom a turn in the popular opinion against these are. On the other hand, the CRAF can have managed to extend their international image appearing like victims whom an aggressor who killed to who was negotiating the liberation of Ingrid Betancourt. Also they have seen that the president of Nicaragua has described them like companions or that the one of Venezuela did a minute of silence before the death of Kings. However, the CRAF is in crossroads. They cannot take the power. They have 20.000 combatants less than and their adversaries own almost 400.000 very well armed men and, most important, they count on endorsement in the population. The CRAF, that initially woke up solidarity in many layers promoting agrarian reforms or social measures, has been losing support with their kidnappings and entailments with the cocaine.

In the end Tirofijo knows that it does not have left alternative than to negotiate, although he does not want to do it in conditions of defeat (thing that does not want Chvez either). Some sectors of the guerrilla can that are hostile to leave to the mount (they have created a life style there) although others could realize that the guerrilla way does not give to majors results and look for to connect themselves in the unions stops to revitalize itself. When Uribe attacked the camping of Kings many worried about the destiny about the Betancourt, although he calculated that the best way to negotiate for the liberation of the 700 captives of the CRAF was to go mining it, although it would be expanding the process. The situation of Chvez As far as Chvez he has appeared like a continental caudillo that it will show his town his capacity to orchestrate an international isolation against his neighbor to whom commited itself to him to retractar itself.