Night macabra – Chapter 1 – a stranger the day was 6 of December of 1954 and I would go the party of anniversary of one of my friends. In the way until its house I lost myself and decided to ask for an information to some stranger who was that way. A high, lean boy, dress of black color and with melancholic appearance were stopped in the next esquina, although to find it a little strange and to be a little distrustful of speaking to it, he did not remain me another option, the street was empty and I already was from fear to pass the night rambling for the city, then breathed deep and were until it. It seemed not to perceive that I came close myself, until probably he heard my steps and if he capsized to look at. I did not obtain to wait that it said any thing and quickly spoke: – Can give to me an information? I am lost and I need to arrive in the avenue of the flowers. He knows you where is the address? Looked at it me as he analyzed if me for a time and later still me looking at it said: – Yes, I know where he is, but find that already this very late a senhorita to walk for there alone, if me to leave I I can follow it. I was aflita with the proposal, but what it had spoken did not leave to have reason, I thought with same me that it would not have danger to leave that folloied it me and that I age a silly one that only was with distrust for its exotic appearance, accepted at last. In the first minute we are walking in silence, until it at last spoke: – Avenue of the flowers? I already stow for there, I am not complicated to arrive.
Tag: society and culture
Kate Middleton
Perhaps one of the choices most difficult for a fianc how much to the questions of the marriage it is the choice of the hairdo, which optimum one for determined face format and the hairdos of the fashion. First, that the choice must leave of the personal style of the fianc and the style of the marriage, it will be a simpler event, more luxurious; beyond the style of the dress. Another tip is to search hairdo models in the Internet, in sites of beauty or blogs; reviewed of celebrities. To search well what it desires and to count (for who it can) on a good professional to help in the part of making the hairdo. Another tip is, to be unhappy with the result of the hairdo, to make a test days before the marriage with the professional. To photograph as he was and if approved, to make the hairdo in the great day. For day marriages, in simpler ceremonies, as a civil marriage or between familiar friends and, choice combed more practical and not very high, more with natural style.
For simpler marriages, it opts to small ornaments of hair, without brightness or even though its absence. For more sophisticated and luxurious marriages, searched carefully hairdos more are set free, but well-taken care of I exaggerate with it. Remembering whenever the least is always more. It enters hairdos of the fashion, we detach the braids, that are simple of if making, but that they iraram sensation in this question, of the beginning of the year for here. It has some types of hairdos with braids: braid of root, style fish spine, braids podrinhas those all unwoven, braid of arc, braid with coke and moicano. But it also has classic hairdos as coques, that they had gained its modern and deloused versions. It has the torcidinhos versions of coques, that they give effect of ' ' made in casa' ' that it is a charm and of simplicity and modernity to look of the fianc. As well as coques lower and most imprisoned that more is structuralized and arranged, giving air more sophisticated the fianc. Or you can opt, as well as the princess Kate Middleton (in such a way commented real marriage) for the untied hair, what it is a modern option, that will depend on the type of chosen dress, of the marriage and the style of each one. The choice of the hairdo is personal for each fianc and type of marriage, what same valley as main tip is to search the choice of this very.