It is common that people go through life taking us very seriously. One creates its own image and convinces her. However those around us often have another perception of one, sometimes even very different. They perceive more easily our ridiculous aspects, those who one is customary if perhaps view askance, although it usually prefers to shun any knowledge about their existence. We tend to laugh with ease of the absurd aspects of others, but few dare to do so of their own personal psychological traits. This is an understandable resistance to see the own ego, with all its deformities. It is not very nice, at first instance, discover the fealdades that one loaded into his psyche.
But this makes sense, what matters is daring to take the next step. It is worthy of note that people who are able to laugh even in a public way of its own absurd often generate great confidence in his fellow men and they are perceived as intelligent and sensitive people. The gain, in terms of empathy, is notorious. Implies that there is a some knowledge of human nature and that they are therefore reliable. It is also very common that human beings go resolutely creating an image of seriousness and formality to the world, with the aim of generating the perception that we are worthy and deserving of trust that require business or own daily routine chores of each one. If you prefer, that’s all right, we shouldn’t necessarily expect a change.
What is important is the attitude inside, what is the level of awareness of oneself. If you are aware of your own absurdities, if you start to discover yourself as you are, then you can laugh with ease of these ridiculous aspects that loads in your interior. And believe me, you’re going to rest. You shalt you a huge weight off when you dare to do so.