The man’s life has been developed for a long time in history, and in order to have obtained conditions that made it possible that his life was sustainable and enjoyable must devise many objects that would allow that living conditions would allow it to develop environments more pleasant, in addition to evolve in the structure of society; so the man to go creating products and objects that facilitate the tasks of his life, also what he was doing was to design means that you were useful to your life, therefore design has been present from the beginning of any person or group who seek means of development. As you can understand the design of products and objects is a very important activity for the man, but should highlight a type of design that has had greater reach, thanks to what produces or rather your production field, which is the industrial design, which acts as a medium to carry out innovations that make people’s lives betterIn addition to which it contributes greatly to Exchange economic and broad activities cultural lenses to allow trends and tastes of a particular place in the world, can give out all over the planet. With fashion to the above to be talking about industrial design, is this referring to an activity that made people with the idea of creating or developing products or industrial objects with a touch human and engineered for humans, with the idea that with the humanization of such objects, they can be total utility for people and let them various activities of persons be more easy and pleasant. So the industrial design would be applied art in industrial production, which allows different creations occurring at industrial level have both a nice aesthetic appearance and that they can carry out their duties properly, so in industrial design are mixed aesthetics, functionality, and materials demonstrating the creative expression of the industrial designer. It is true that the design has been present almost throughout the history of man, but the connotation of only industrial design would appear as a phenomenon that he would accompany the new era that came after the industrial revolution of the 19th century, since that began to leave behind the manual production and ushered in the production with machines of various products, with the idea of producing in larger amounts and be able to meet the needs of many people, but do not forget the utility and aesthetics. Industrial design began to gain great strength for the year 1919 the first institution dedicated to the teaching of industrial design would be created and for the year 1930 industrial design would reach its peak and from this industrial design is beginning to develop around the world, reaching a university education level..