Pedagogical Management

Thus it is necessary to the educators of the society of the critical knowledge, to invest in the formation of educandos that have a directed vision to have it citizen, who apprehends knowing, that she questions and that she thinks critically. We must educate stops beyond the walls of the school, that can find forms to teach involving the families, making understanding them that, mainly, the basic Education as base of the socialization of the personal relations and social, it does not only have to be responsibility of the school, must be responsibility shared between all the actors who are responsible or co-responsible of the education in the objective to direct for a future of the exercise of the citizenship and a world of the work, each more demanding time. The period of training also understood experiences of Pertaining to school Management in which I could observe the dynamics that understands the Administrative and Financial Management, Pedagogical Management and of Human resources. The Administrative Management charges – of physical part bureaucratic of the school, that the building involves, equipment, materials, legislation and activities of secretariat and it answers for the part of finances of the school. The Pedagogical Management defines the line of education, the goals to be reached, taking in account the objectives and the profile of its pupils.

It must evaluate the income of the practical ones adopted, to detect and to correct eventual errors if necessary, together with the team of involved professors. The Management of Human resources manages the good course of the pertaining to school activities focando in keeping the involved people in the comprometimento of the routine and the new features of the school. It made me to the period of training to reflect on the identity of the school that we want and the importance of the same one for the evolution of the society of igualitria form, being motivated for a school that is for all.

Management Business Proactive

National universities, through their management schools both at the undergraduate and graduate level, should generate transformations, changes that will allow you to train, train professionals of the Administration, specifically to your administrators with another vision, responsibilities, commitments, different as it has been doing, taking into account the characteristics of the current scenarios international and national so that they can play their professional practice, in such a way that favor corporations, region, country. There are many schools that have lost their way, have remained stagnant, providing knowledge not adapted to reality, where it still remains a profile, not consistent to what is required, in particular, a country like Venezuela faced serious problems in your scenario, where its business sector, is experiencing a negative situation, unproductive and closing. Forgets, that the Administration It is the main activity that makes the difference between organizations and the success that may have the Organization to achieve its objectives and meet its social obligations, product of the use of its resources, organizational structure, a proactive, dynamic, entrepreneurial management. Elibeth Cabrera tells us about the subject, that the profession of Manager is very varied depending on the level in which the administrator is situated, must live with the routine and the daily uncertainty of the operational level or with the planning, organization, direction and control of the activities of their Department or division at the intermediate level, or even with the decision-making process at the institutional levelfacing an external environment that the company aims to serve. How much more administrator worry to know or learn as tasks, run more prepared will to act at the operational level of the company. How much more you worry develop concepts more prepared is for action at institutional level of the company. An administrator must know as is prepare a cost estimate or a sales forecast, as builds an organigram or flow grass, as a balance, is interpreted as he is elaborated the planning and control of production, etc since these skills are valuable for the Administration, however the most important and fundamental is know as used and applied them adequately the fact that circumstances, that agreement as perceived performance, administrator involvement.

Astronomical Polar

An academic, for example, expressed itself of the following form: ' ' Leaving of the experience of the course of Pedagogia, the University does not prepare permitting to work the contents of Astronomy in the Initial Series and the first stage of Basic education. They more lack contents directed toward specific substances. The University prepares the academics to search sources, places, research that allows to understand the subjects to teach, but has lack of the contents of many matrias' '. Although they have evaluated that the course of Pedagogia does not assure the appropriation of the proper contents of Astronomy, 36% of the participants of the research had not considered its insufficient formation. As it described an academic: ' ' It does not prepare to work Astronomy, but the formation is not considered insufficient since many substances exist that will be able to supply this imperfection, and if by chance to come to need the substance for my future in the area of the education will be able to search and to deepen me on the subject.

Being that the course of Pedagogia very enables in them well to pesquisar' '. Consideraes Final From the displayed one, notices a discrepancy enters the proposals of official documents and the offered one for the University for the preparation of the professors who will dedicate themselves to the Infantile Education and the Basic Education, notadamente in relation to the education of Astronomy. Another observed difficulty is in subsuno of the pedagogia to the docncia, that finishes generating a deficiency in both, therefore the formation is insufficient. Astronomy is not one disciplines specific in the Basic Education, however it constitutes axle in the resume of the Infantile Education and a estruturante content in the Basic Education. In this manner, one becomes important that the professor understands the 1. Permitted in Pedagogia and monitorial of attendance in the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son, of Fundao Technological Park Itaipu (FPTI).

The Sounds

The studies pautados here, search to offer to a quarrel on the relation of the language and cognition and brain. The relation enters this two aspects in sends the directions to them that interact with the sociocultural questions and intersubjetividade. The functioning of the brain of the deaf person differs in parts from the brain from a falante, therefore, deficient the auditory one does not know sounds, then, if it cannot affirm that listening sounds in its mind, however, for the not deaf person, the thought produces sounds according to PINKER. ' ' (…) suddenly the sounds if had transformed into a choir of duendes bawling. Something thus: (beeper bop-bop).HUMPTY-DUMPTY (…). I verified the oscilloscope: two sequncias of tones, as programmed. The effect had of being percepivo. With a little of effort it obtained to go for front and it stops backwards listening to the sound as bips or as duendes.

(195, p.627). Ahead of this affirmation, a new questioning confides. It has a deaf brain? But to answer so complex questionings, she is necessary first to understand the relation between thought and speaks. Vigotsky says: ' ' The meaning of a word represents a so narrow amalgam of the thought and the language, that is difficult to say if it deals with a phenomenon of says or a phenomenon of pensamento' '. (150, P. 190) Of this form, we infer that even for the proper theoreticians, is a delicate subject of to be boarded and difficult affirmations, composing theories on theories, in intention to point with respect to one same route, codifying the link being thought and speak and as if of the o relation process. Vigotsky, speaks that a word without meaning is an empty sound, seeming the meaning is a component of speaks, but for psychology the meaning is a phenomenon of the thought.