Postal Rates

The second task when consumers, entities completely resolved. Two variants of mailing of information materials: 1. Individual mailing. In the individual envelope sent to a proposal by one company. Selected types of businesses and regions of interest to the enterprise. In this case, the cost of services consists of:-Postal Rates; envelope;-embodiment sent out informational material can be different at the request of the customer;-services selection of addresses, processing and sending emails. Individual subscription is effective when the supply of goods and services are directed where needed. And what is not should not be sent.

For this we need to know the technological principles enterprises, they use equipment and materials. 2. Joint distribution of targeted groups of consumers on the program mailing lists. In this case, the cost of distribution is 1 / 3 of the postal rates for letters up to 20g. As we have established post advertising (direct mail) can address the specific proposals of their products directly to consumers, ie, exactly on target. But. Certain disadvantage of this advertising can be considered as relatively high cost due to the cost of delivery (postal rates).

Understandably, cost is offset by delivery of specific proposals of their products directly to consumers, ie right on target, and minimizing unhelpful appeals. However. Many species TPTN, ie equipment and materials can be applied at very different companies: engineering, brewing, agricultural, construction, energy, transport and etc. Here are all of these types of businesses we call consumers TPTN (goods and services for industrial purposes).

Open Online Store

Wondering how to open intrenet shop, prepare, that the greatest difficulties you encounter when searching for a unique product rather than a product which has a high level of competition in other retail enterprises. To create a successful online retail businesses need dedication and a willingness to work, not only for preparation for the launch of electronic sales, but their constant support. Nevertheless, retail store may allow you to receive a decent income if you find the right product to sell. What you need: This instruction on how to create an online magazinVozmozhno, license prodazhuProdukt for realizatsiiProgrammnoe software for e-commerce (CMS) DomenHosting Money Step 1: Determine the type of retail product that you want to sell. Conduct online market research for your ideas, to determine current situation: perhaps the market is already saturated with such products, or if there is a great need for this product, namely, your target market (for example, in your area). To study your competitors, visit websites their online stores that offer a similar product. To find distributors or wholesalers for the products, please visit the manufacturer of the goods and find the section for the retailer.

Otherwise, you can call the manufacturer of the product that you want to sell, to learn about possible proposals for implementation. Step 2: Make a sketch of a business plan on the computer. Describe your future online shop in detail, add the list of goods that you want to sell. Write about the target group to which you are targeting: they can be both businessmen and teenagers, housewives or retired.


Videodvoynik can even walk around the page, as opposed to 'talking head', sitting at a table in the video. I will not deceive you: promise of direct communication with the visitor videodvoynika – unfair statement. No dialogue. But to create the illusion of dailoga quite possible. Only stands to review the promotional material and imagine the possibilities questions visitors to your site. And to make the text for videodvoynika so that he warned the emergence of such questions and answered before they arise, the professional is not difficult. The assertion that oshelemlennye innovation will rush to tell visitors about the wonders friends and number of guests increase dramatically, is no longer relevant. Yes, the first videodvoynikov 'went' to look overseas as a miracle, but no more.

This is, in fact, have been earmarked visits. Number of visits to sites increased, but the number of successful transactions – no. Role videodvoynika not to surprise and attract casual onlookers. Its mission – to create a trustworthy, comfortable, relaxed the atmosphere on your site to the target audience and hold it just her, not idle travel over the Internet. Another positive aspect videodvoynika (as in other matters, and old movies) is its permanent labor watch. It does not take a hospital and not go on maternity leave, do not complain about inflation, trying to scrounge a raise.

He did not even sleep that is important, given the geographic remoteness Your visitors to you and the existence of time zones. Another advantage videodvoynika is its versatility. The work that you can entrust to him, depends on your imagination and needs of your company. It does not matter Do you sell goods or services videodvoynik can effectively and convincingly explain, to tell everything. Especially because it is possible to build not only home, and generally to any page of your site. Very useful are his tips in filling out registration forms or orders. Who will be filmed for videodvoynika – depends on your imagination. This may be a professional actor, and just a nice employee of your company, even yourself. A Why not? Successful businessman – always a leader, but should the dose of vanity is a sign of healthy leadership. Convincing, is not it? Basil Cherkasov

Museum Reina Sofia

Those who are staying in a hotel in Madrid this summer will see a fascinating exhibition at the Museum Reina Sofia called the Potosi principle and is characterized by showing the work of a group of several international artists. The full title of the exhibition is Potosi principle how can sing the song of the Lord in alien land? And it shall be open to the public until September 6. On the other hand, the idea that defends this event is summarized in the following words: surprises the blindness with which we have ignored that since the 16th century the history of Europe is inseparable from its colonies, moreover, the verifiable fact that there is no modernity without relations Center-periphery that were inaugurated with the colonial processes, according to the official website of the Museumwho has also done echo these words. Commissioned by Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer and Andreas Siekmann, this project has been carried out thanks to the collaborative work done between the Museum Reina Sofia and Haus der Kulturen der Welt. And the works of artists from different parts of the world such as Spain, Holland, China, Argentina and Germany will display. Another exhibition to the art lovers can see when visiting the Museum Reina Sofia is turnouts of drift. Experiences, journeys and morphologies, which will be exposed until August 23.

The building is closed on Tuesdays and is open from 10 am to 9 pm other days, except for Sundays in which you can visit from 10 to 14: 30 hours. The price of admission is 3 or 6 to view the complete collection of the Museum. For more information about this event visit the official website of the Museum Reina Sofia or call the (34) 91 774 10 00. It is possible that the Potosi principle is quite popular, so it is recommended to reserve hotel room in Madrid as soon as possible to avoid problems.