Generative Shape Design

It step by step learns the basic and advanced functionalities of the Catia V5: Sketcher: The objective of the course is to make familiar the new user of CATIA V5 to the Sketcher, this is a powerful tool to create profiles 2D. These profiles created with the Sketcher can be used in such a way to generate solid as surfaces. Part Design: In the course of Part Design you go to learn basic methods to create and to modoficar characteristic and solid parts. Wireframe & Surfaces: In the course of Wireframe & Surfaces you will learn as to create Wireframe elements and Basic surfaces to enrich the creation of parts and assemblies. Assembly Design: In the course of Assembly Design you will learn as to create and to control assemblies Generative Drafting: In the course of Generative Drafting you will learn as to generate complete detailing from a solid part or of an assembly. V4 Integration: In the course of V4 Integration you will learn the basic concepts of migration of data of the CATIA V4 for the CATIA V5 Generative Shape Design: In the course of Generative Shape Design you will learn as to create advanced surfaces to enrich the creation of parts and Infraestrutura assemblies: In this course you will learn as to use tools of the dedicated CATIA V5 the projects masters as well as the catalogue edition and management of Powercopy. Exercises: In this you emend, you will find exercises to place in practical, the acquired knowledge.

Zlia Cavalcanti Reality

Intention was to direct and to extend the look so that when I break up valuing it can be prepared to accept the set biggest, that is, the historical, an unknown place for many pupils and not pertaining building its reality. ' ' How I can to accept me and to respect me if I am imprisoned in mine to make (to know), because I did not learn one to make (to think) that my world allowed me to learn any other tasks when moving, if dumb my daily life? … ' ' (MATURANA, H., 1998. 31).? Reflecting on these affirmations, to stimulate the creative production, on the basis of stories of the daily one, either this reality, field, city, beach, without denying its origins, day-by-day of the express child through the creative process will only be able to contribute for the formation of a subject citizen. Leaving of it I break up house/quarter that is something next to the student, the knowledge it personal patrimony, it its daily one, for then explaining what it is patrimony. The action of making, drawing, painting or which is used technique to stimulate the interest, comes to contribute for the success or the failure of the workshop, because of this it is necessary a comment and a dialogue with the direction of the school and the group to recognize the process most adequate to the reality of being educated. According to Zlia Cavalcanti, through the interaction with informers and information of the way, its to make artistic is mentally ill of the cultural production, what it finishes for empobrecer the development of the individual. From these information, carefully we explore the use of the abilities of each one, respecting the individual culture, because we perceive that in each group, the manifestation of small proper social groups with identification, singular habits exists and customs.