In today's society more and more organizations create websites. It will take some time and every small business, organizations will be their Internet presence. But if the site is unknown, then it will not get it proc and expenses of the company will not bring the desired effect. It is therefore necessary to engage in the promotion of sites. The first step is to optimize the internal promotion of the site (usability, saturation necessary information) for search engines to achieve the greatest relevance villages, that is, compliance with a specific request, the next step – working with external factors – this post links to promote the site for other Internet resources or contextual advertising. To do this, there are many ways: the exchange of links, buying links, free links placement, the creation of forums of discussions, the inclusion of subject directories of sites. The most frequented sites that are located on the first positions of search engines (Yandex, Rambler, Google, Yahoo). Therefore, a means of promoting a web site the cheapest and most reliable, although time consuming, is a search engine optimization.
It can help you raise your site in the results of search queries in the first position, which will attract visitors. Changes in the database search are sorted according to two main factors: the relevance of village, that is, it meets a specific request, and the citation index (CI). EC determines the amount and quality of your links on other sites. Ie search robot operates on the principle – 'the more links to the resource, so it interesting '. But it is not so simple. Evaluated not only the number of links, but their importance, that is, if your site refers to a well-known project with high traffic and high TC, then such a link will be priced significantly higher than Link from someone's hardly visited home pages, and even unrelated to the theme of your site. That is, IC said the popularity of the site. Each search engine has its own system for evaluating the popularity of the site. Learn thematic index of citing (TIC) of your site in Yandex can follow the link: imya_vashego_sayta "imya_vashego_sayta" should be replaced by its url, and without the, that is, for example, In assessing the site search robot acts according to following principles: The more IC referring to your site resource, the higher the weight reference; less than other links on it, the higher the weight of each individually, rather than match the search query keywords to the link text, so it is more influential, more accurately matches your theme and references to your resource site, the better. The cost of promotion of sites in each case is determined individually depending on popularity search query to the customer and necessary for the required amount of work.