Moroccan Association

Contramanifestacin In the same zone where the Moroccans by reforms protested this Sunday, tens of the calls " young people monrquicos" they organized a manifestation to support to the new Constitution, and shouted slogans against Movement 20 of February, that they blamed of treasonous. While they sang the national anthem of Morocco, those in favor of the new Magna Carta raised flags of this country and placards with the photo of king Mohamed I SAW, and burned flags of Movement 20 of February. " Alive in Italy and I have come to Morocco stops to poyar the new Constitution and to ours rey" , it said Jalid Cherqui, one of " young people monrquicos" that dress with a tnica went to which adhered photos of the alau monarch. As it already happened last Sunday, the antiriot forces were present to avoid confrontations between both sides. In Tangiers, thousands of people went out from the popular district of Beni Makada towards downtown, and vindicated " the establishment of the democratic Magna Carta, the judgment of the corrupt political people in charge and the liberation of the prisoners polticos" , a witness commented. Munaim Musaui, one of the activists of Movement 20 of February in Tangiers, said that the purpose of the today protest is " the continuation of the fight to reach a democratic change profundo" in the country. Irregularities Activists Moroccans denounced supposed irregularities in the constitutional rrndum like, for example, Jadiya Riadi, president of the Moroccan Association of the Human rights (AMDH). Riadi emphasized that during the day of the rrndum " there was no control on the identity of votantes" , and it added that " the same day of the consultation the authorities continued asking the people who voted ' s'. On the other hand, the National Council of Human rights (CNDH, official institution), that elaborated a partial supervision of the popular consultation, emphasized in an official notice that the rrndum was carried out in " the conditions established by the law and no was registered irregularidad". The new Constitution tries, according to announced king Mohamed I SAW, to deepen in the separation of powers and the parliamentary character of the Moroccan political system. Source of the news: The movement pro reforms protests in Morocco against the new Constitution