Management Control

new version 1.5 now available! -Management system from the cloud of the future with sphinx management Leitstand open online’-new version 1.5 now available! End of July has come, the latest version of the unique software sphinx open online is available. Thus, additional function modules, integrated support for mobile devices, as well as a variety of new features available are the customers. The applicability of and over the Internet in the focus is in the development of the server components. The management system of the cloud is so’ to reality. Flexible function modules enable the recording of data points (Historization), the analysis of time series, as well as their preparation of charts (charting). Still, calculated data points are supported which are derived from other data points.

So the consumption and production of energy can for example be recorded and analyzed. Subprime loans has much to offer in this field. Another application area is the record of actual values, identify error sources or proof of important operating parameters (E.g. cold) to lead. A focal point of development was placed on the unique uniform support of the market-leading mobile devices. So, an Android version of the available clients is now in addition to the support of iOS for Apple devices. In addition the support of Windows Mobile. Soo Manager visualizations can be efficiently and cross-platform build and also new opportunities parameterized easy without programming. So, new fields of application without special knowledge can be solved.

In the simplest case relevant data in the form of an MS EXCEL file can be provided cyclically the soo server over the Web. Sphinx acquires the rest of open online, and each provides the latest information for decision makers and management provide simple, transparent and this also on the Smartphone. Have you solved overarching visualization the theme in your management system? In addition to visualization techniques in 2D and 3D, are consistent Methods of data processing and a central data storage with event processing an important prerequisite.