The structure of the chapter counts on personal certifications of survivors of episodes in which its basic human rights seriously had been disrespected. CHAPTER 4: SOCIAL MEMORY OF the REPRESSION the Military dictatorship was officially insult in 1985. Then for which they had been the social contributions here that had been deliver in them for the Regimen? The contributions of the Dra. Soraia Ansara (PUC-SP) had been essential for the reflections above as well as for the conclusion of the chapter in question. The military government in them bequeathed the influence of a ditatorial and repressive regimen, negative marks of a cerceador and amordaante period.
In the ANSARA vision, we receive in the same way, an excellent legacy of the military: the learning of the practical one of resistance of the social movements. CHAPTER 1? THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT THAT LED TO THE EVENTS OF DAYS 31 OF MARCH 1 OF APRIL OF 1964 In this chapter we will go to reflect on the context that led to the construction of the Doctrine of National Security. We will analyze some aspects of the preparatory phase of the coup d etat, having observed important details of the government of Goulart Joo and the events of 31 of March and 1 of April of 1964. The CONCEPTION OF the DOCTRINE OF NATIONAL SECURITY One of the main reasons that prepared the necessary historical context for the occurrence of the Military Blow of 31 of March and 1 of April of 1964 was the importance degree that the Doctrine of National Security had for the high steps of the Armed Forces in the years that they had preceded to the taking of being able. In the military speeches, already in 1930, the expression national security was present in says of General Ges Hunter to them. In accordance with its reasoning the State would have ' ' to establish, in solid bases, the security nacional' '.