
Communication with children can be a difficult task. Parents often complain that their children do not pay attention to them or do not listen to them when they talk about them.However, these same criticisms are that many children do their parents.Listening and communication skills are essential for successful parenting.Children and adolescents should know that their parents valued their feelings, ideas and opinions, which should make sure that you spend the necessary time to sit and listen to what children have to say openly. It seems that parents have the natural tendency to react automatically to the demands of the children instead of taking the time to respond. Many parents simply act based on their own feelings and personal experiences, making superfluous judgments about what the child says or does. However, active listening requires that before answering, parents show are receptive to the feelings and emotions of his son, allowing express themselves honestly, and openly without fear to the impact that may have their conduct.To react automatically, parents send the message that the feelings and views of the child are not valid.But answering and asking questions about why the child feels that way, opens a dialog which allows them to discuss their feelings openly, and facilitates a better understanding of what the child is living.In this way, parents have the opportunity to find a solution or devise a plan of action with the help of his son, arriving at an effective solution that perhaps would not have been possible without the help of this. It is crucial in these situations attention throughout the son, making sure to look him in the eye. For this purpose, it is necessary to sit down and talk to him instead of doing it while you read the newspaper or washing dishes. Try to stay calm, ask questions that reveal the problem thoroughly, and after having asked the child how he or she would solve the problem, consider possible solutions from the own point of view.

No tatar prevent the child may feel upset, angry or frustrated. Instinctively, you can say or do something to direct the child’s attention to another matter, but this can be somewhat detrimental. Like parents, children have feelings and experiencing difficult situations, which will continue to face in their lives as adults.To listen actively the problems posed by the children, we demonstrate that we care, that we want to help and we have similar experiences to offer them so that they can take advantage of them.