Lean Management

Managers analyze examples of best practice in the field of lean and change management in a day workshop and develop new strategies for action. A X-Lab, say one-day workshop for experts on the subject of lean and change management consultancy Dr. Kraus & partner, Bruchsal, performs on February 26 in Hamburg. There experienced managers and executives about their experiences with lean and change management projects interact. Together, they determine the success factors for such projects on the basis of best practices and reflect the resulting implications for their organization. This is the overarching aim, among like-minded people to design new concepts and strategies for the introduction of lean management, as well as the achievement of the desired cultural change in companies. This presupposes that the participants have a comparable experience background; Furthermore, that the group is so composed that, the companies of the participating managers facing challenges, openly discussed can be.

That’s why they are Invitations to the X Lab personally by the Board of directors by Dr. Kraus & partner. Those interested can register at Katja von Bergen (email: Mobile: 0163 / 267-30-18). “The X Lab in Hamburg, the exact title: lean & interchange management: how changing the Organization of your company, with lean management and you positively impact the culture?” At the one-day event, among others, the Managing Director of the consultancy of Dr. Georg Kraus will hold two interactive pulse presentations. In them he advocates, often as a method to understand lean management not as in the past.

Rather, author of several organisation development books for pleads to understand a process, which aims to change the culture of a company, as well as increasing its performance and competitiveness of lean management as a process. After the impulse lectures the participants edit together in working groups how burning questions around the two themes I do ensure a sustainable change in the corporate culture with lean management?”and how I can find a good way of the pure lean methods to lean coaching?”. ” While the participating managers and executives about their practical experiences Exchange himself, to develop new solutions based on the best practices. Participation in the X Lab will cost 139 euros (+ VAT). The food is included in the price. “For more info about the X Lab in Hamburg on lean & change management” are interested in on the Web page of consulting Dr. Kraus & partner, Bruchsal (). “More X-Labs, among the topics almost engineering” as well as sales and corporate strategy “held in Stuttgart in Frankfurt respectively on April 23 on April 16.