This study also concludes that using software specialized in forecasting gives best results spreadsheets, since they are documented, controlled, tested, audited, producing results that can be replicated and are generally designed to solve many of the problems reported in spreadsheets. The proper use of feedback and cooperation mechanisms increase the precision of prognosis; successful solutions are in this area as the VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) and CPFR (Continues Planning Forecasting Replinishment) these solutions allows users of the supply chain electronically connect and share information in real time, improving the levels of inventory throughout the supply chain. It is not clear why the companies avoid the implementation of proven technologies; What is clear is that those companies that have adopted a process of formal forecast supported by a specialized tool, get better information to make better decisions and achieve a competitive advantage. According to a release from American Air Filter International 2007, this company has increased the level of accuracy in the prognosis going from 60% to 90%, because it now uses a specialized forecast process solution. In conclusion the process of forecasting is too critical, as to run the risk of bear it in a non specialized tool that does not offer the functionality to be able to make the right decisions. Go arribNavegador of series of articles ‘are the spreadsheets the best tool to manage your business? Part 1 related articles: Are the spreadsheets the best tool to manage your business? Part 1 time Series models for qualitative methods demand forecasts. Best as a process of quantitative forecasting input. Freedom Furniture Diagnostico and justification stablished as erodriguez case.’ Log out ‘ Edit this entry.
Month: May 2013
Management Dynamics
Given the negative effect that have taken to the offices of pharmacy the recent decrees 4 and 8, 2010, Asefarma, one of the consultants of leading pharmacies in our country, (), has prepared a meeting to tackle and improve the profitability of this sector. Thus the things, and under the title of dynamic management of pharmacies: how to overcome the lows of 4 and 8/2010 decrees. The robotization of the pharmacy, the renowned brand invites professionals of the sector at one meeting more than useful. In view of the need for pharmacies to improve their competitiveness and the problems generated by Royal Decree 4/2010 and 8/2010 we have decided to organize a meeting in which explain the need to implement a dynamic management offices, to deal with these enemies, explains Carlos Garcia-Maurino, founder and CEO of Asefarma. The pharmacy, as high added value and a service provider company public, has to introduce new parameters in keeping with the new times that provide a global management strategy in the medium term, adds. The talk, which will start at 1900 hours and will conclude at 21: 00 hours, you will expose a case study real benefits that provides dynamic management, in this case the robotization, to a half by Belinda Jimenez pharmacy, responsible for the area of management dynamics of Asefarma. We will also count with the presence of the protagonist and it bears on the more structural aspects of dynamic management exploring the topic of robotic automation of pharmacy, its advantages, disadvantages, can be whom beneficial, etc, full Jimenez. Then speak the own protagonist of the case study, Jesus Cordoba.
The interesting journey will end with the presence of the director from Willach, company that installed the robot in the pharmacy. SPEAKERS: Carlos Garcia Maurino, partner Director of Asefarma Belinda Jimenez, responsible of the Department of management Dinamical of Asefarma Jesus Community Cordobafarmaceutico Hermann JostenSocio Director of Wilach dia:miercoles November 2010Hora 10: 19: 00 to 21: 00 horasLugar CelebracionGeneral Martinez Campos n 5 (room B6l Centro de Estudios Financieros) InscripcionGratuitPlazas LimitadasHasta deal with capacity. Be handed over documentation. sign aragon91 448 asistenciIsabel 84 for the management of interviews or expansion of information Nuria Coronado Sopenasalvia Comunicaciondirectora___Avda.
Management By Values
The simple view is typical of deep thoughts, so much that one believes to have them thought himself the country companies require a review concerning the administration of values that is based on values. There are many gaps, conflicts, problems that arise, not be paid to attention what this represents true leadership is, basically, a dialogue on values. The future of the company is set to articulating values, metaphors, symbols and concepts that guide the daily activities of creating value by employees. Because many companies organizational behavior, as we always quote SMEs especially, there is one absence in many of them concerning stock management, aspect that management has neglected a lot. Stock management is how are sorted and organized the qualities or values that a person or organization has declared that it possesses. Acts of the companies and individuals who are part of them, have a positive or negative impact on others companies, other individuals or other processes the ethical issue is of great significance for every individual and extends to the business field. In every decision taken, will be involved something of ethics.
Dealt with suppliers or negotiations with the Union, recruitment or dismissal of employees, assignment of responsibilities or launch a promotion, ethics is always present. Not surprising, that manifest that currently exist in Venezuela, most organizations that struggle to transparency as a tool of democratization and social mobilization, companies have corporate ethics as one of its foundations. Without solid values she is flirting with disaster. With solid values, you can confront threats to international markets, the challenges, and know the opportunities. Since then, there are those who put above ethics and values the financial results, but do not realize that corporate ethics can be a source of advantage competitive, since through it can attract customers and staff at first level. Through the ethics can be finished with corrupt practices so ingrained in the country for several decades, they have destroyed the values and damaged the economy and society.
Implementation Company
Someday anywhere, anywhere will inevitably find yourself, and that only that one, might be the happiest or the most bitter of your hours. Pablo Neruda overview all good management must always watch for what makes having a good process management that ensures, operability, achievements to the company that represents. For this purpose, the functions of the administrative units that comprise the architecture of the company, must be well-defined, having good processes management, administrative systems, threads well integrated, planned, with their good control systems, indicators that objectively show results, derived from the processes that have been implemented. In this paper we present some notes that should be taken into account in planning and implementing. Some features, notes, suggestions.
Of course, every company has given way to its organizational culture, to implement according to their rotation, objective processes that ensure operability, productivity, efficiency, of Hence processes according to the objectives of the company, its technology, required human resource and financial capacity are very different to make it feasible to develop, providing the capital required for their achievement. However, when implementing management processes in the areas that are intended to optimize results, involving appropriately, after being evaluated actors, components that comprise it and planned activities to take place, covered, it is necessary to specify its functionality, all those factors required that allow processes to be used are appropriate and conducive to productivity, efficiency of these towards the objectives which were created and which favor the company in the reach their goals, as for example, in the management of service customer, satisfaction of their needs, manufacturing of competitive and profitable products. We are reminded on this topic for example, the importance that once has understood totally the key needs of the client, the plan design information, the requirements required to meet customer, the demanded product, production processes necessary required to manufacture them, technology, human and financial resource is designed an implementation plan to ensure compliance with the deadlines for key stages of implementation.